Head Injury and ADHD

Early Head Injury Plagues Life

In the early ’60’s my family moved to Atlanta from Ohio. A year later we were traveling back north to visit family, driving on a two-lane highway just outside of Nashville, TN. A blinding southern rainstorm hit just before we were to drive over a ravine. Skidding on the unfamiliar road, the car hit head-on into another car just as we approached the bridge.

All five of us were injured: my sister in the front passenger seat hit the windshield but her seat belt saved her life. My mother slammed into the steering wheel, losing her spleen. Lying flat in the station wagon back, my father and younger sister broke their backs sliding in to the back of the front seat. I snapped my head into the metal ridge back of the front seat, breaking my nose.

Head injury wasn’t really understood the way it is in this decade. I now know I suffered a head trauma as probably did my father and both sisters. Since I was already a classic hyperactive ADHD child (undiagnosed) it may have been hard for anyone to notice a difference. Or, in a morbid way maybe all of us were similarly injured so who could tell the difference?

What Is the Treatment for Head Injury?

How Do You Turn It Back On?

This is where I am in my journey. How can I treat an old head injury? Clients ask for alternative resources for ADHD treatments in the Atlanta area. Where can they go? What kind of treatment is available that doesn’t include pharmaceuticals? Other than coaching and western medicine what can I, as a coach practitioner recommend? This is a challenge as there are no guarantees in service. So, I do not make recommendations to some of the new brain therapies springing up around the city. Personal research-based recommendations are the only ones I’ll suggest.

This week I was drawn to visit Dr. Gedaliah Genin, a Marma practitioner in Atlanta, Ga. Quite separate from the reason I sought her services, at the end of the session she asked if I had had a head injury. Stunned by her question, I recalled for her the family trip story and my injury. She shared that I had disconnects in energy in my pre-frontal cortex and scattered activity in the back of my skull both of which she repaired for me energetically.

Since learning about living with ADHD, to it I may now add head injury. And while seeking treatment for one I may find some healing for both. I’m hopeful and happy that if I have to have a head injury, I live in a time when alternative brain-based, energy-based treatments are better understood and available.

Maureen Nolan
Your Attention Coach